Live Local: Give Local
We enable generous people to make an impact in our communities, by investing donations and distributing the returns to causes close to their hearts, year after year. Local people supporting local causes, forever.
Every donation made to the Eastern Bay Community Foundation is invested, protected and grown, meaning our donors generosity will support our communities needs well into the future.
We work with our funds manager at Craigs Investment Partners to ensure all of the funds are prudently and carefully invested in order to realise the aspirations of our generous donors. Gifts, donations and bequests made to the Community Foundation are invested thoughtfully.
Every year some of the investment income is retained to ensure the fund grows in line with inflation and the balance of the interest income from investments is distributed to nominated charities and causes throughout the Eastern Bay of Plenty.
Funds can be setup to celebrate excellence, improve health and social wellbeing of our residents, reduce inequality in our communities, preserve our precious environment, our heritage and taonga, supporting music, the arts and cultural activities, and encouraging education and learning for all ages are just some of the avenues our funds can assist with to help create resilient, robust and vibrant communities right here in the eBOP.
If you would like to create a named Fund, support a Scholarship opportunity, give to an existing Community Group Fund or Pass Through Fund please contact us, we would love to chat with you about how we can help you give back to our community.